Senator Reverend Warnock Pushes for More Information on Strategy to Defeat Hamas, Protect Civilians in Gaza

Senator Reverend Warnock’s letter condemns terror attacks by Hamas and underscores support for immediate funding for Israel’s defenses

Senator Reverend Warnock and lawmakers: “We believe the United States should immediately provide Israel with the funding it needs to replenish its defensive systems, including Iron Dome and other air defense capabilities. But to better understand the efficacy of U.S. funding that supports Israel’s operations inside Gaza, we respectfully ask your team to provide us with information relative to these two clear U.S. priorities: supporting an Israeli strategy that will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas and taking all possible measures to protect civilians in Gaza” 

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and a majority of his Senate Democratic colleagues sent a letter to President Biden condemning the brutal terror attacks by Hamas, expressing support for immediate funding to replenish Israel’s defensive systems, and seeking information on two clear U.S. priorities: supporting an Israeli strategy that will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas and taking all possible measures to protect civilians in Gaza.

“We have joined you in condemning the brutal terror attacks that Hamas conducted against Israel and agree with you that Israel has the right to defend itself and hold Hamas accountable. We applaud your actions to secure the release of two American citizens held hostage and support your continued efforts to free the remaining hostages. In the days and weeks since these attacks, you have rightly demonstrated America’s commitment to support Israel in this dark hour,” the Senators begin.

They continue, “[t]he attacks of October 7th brought back chilling memories of the United States’ own confrontation with terror twenty-two years ago. In light of our own experience, we want to underscore how critical it is that Israel: (1) learn from the mistakes the United States made in our fight against terrorism by focusing on realistic and achievable military goals; and (2) abide by the laws of war, including the protection of civilians. Doing so also offers Israel the very best chance of success against Hamas in the days and weeks ahead. These steps are also necessary to create the conditions for a lasting peace, including two states for two peoples.”

“We believe the United States should immediately provide Israel with the funding it needs to replenish its defensive systems, including Iron Dome and other air defense capabilities. But to better understand the efficacy of U.S. funding that supports Israel’s operations inside Gaza, we respectfully ask your team to provide us with information relative to these two clear U.S. priorities: supporting an Israeli strategy that will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas and taking all possible measures to protect civilians in Gaza,” the Senators write.

The Senators go on to ask for responses on a series of wide-ranging points, including an assessment of the viability of Israel’s military strategy in Gaza, and whether it prioritizes the release of hostages, whether there is an achievable plan for governing Gaza when the Israeli military operation ends, and if Israel supports the conditions necessary to ultimately achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Senators also ask what specific mechanisms the Administration is putting in place to ensure that Israeli military operations conducted inside Gaza are carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law and to ensure that any U.S.-provided equipment is used in a manner consistent with U.S. law. They request an assessment of whether Israel’s military rules of engagement, particularly regarding mitigation of civilian casualties, align with U.S. policy and practice. And they ask the Administration to seek immediate public assurances from Prime Minister Netanyahu that his coalition government will immediately stop the escalating extremist settler violence directed against unprotected Palestinians there, as well as assurances from President Abbas that his government take steps to quell any violence against Israelis. 

Lastly, in their letter, the Senators press for answers on how assistance will advance American efforts to engage with Israel, Egypt, and the broader international community to address the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, noting, “we must not only do our part to provide urgently needed humanitarian relief to Gaza, but also insist that Israel take all necessary measures to help us facilitate such relief to the two million civilians living there, half of them children. That includes fully restoring water, electricity, and communication services, expediting fuel deliveries through already well-established systems for avoiding diversion to Hamas, and opening the Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Israel to increase urgently needed humanitarian relief to Gaza. Aid workers and civilian sites like schools, hospitals, and UN facilities must be protected.”

They close, “[w]e support additional assistance to Israel that: 1) aligns with an Israeli strategy that you believe will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas; 2) prioritizes the release of hostages; 3) advances a viable and achievable military plan that supports a long-term vision for peace, security and Palestinian self-determination in the form of a two-state solution; 4) abides by U.S. and international law, including the protection of civilians; and 5) advances efforts to provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. The information requested in this letter will help us assure that U.S support for Israel’s operations inside Gaza achieves these objectives.”

Senator Warnock urged the Biden Administration to lead the international community in contributing to the United Nations’ emergency appeal of $294 million to address the immediate humanitarian needs in the West Bank and Gaza. He joined Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) and other lawmakers in calling for the swift implementation of sustained access for humanitarian aid, including water and medical supplies, to save civilian lives in Gaza and also joined his Senate colleagues in echoing the Biden Administration’s call for a humanitarian pause so assistance for civilians can get into Gaza, and for the immediate, unconditional release of the remaining 200+ hostages held by Hamas.

Senator Warnock was an original cosponsor of a bipartisan resolution that expresses solidarity with Israel in the wake of the unprovoked Hamas terrorist attacks and issued a statement condemning the unprovoked attacks. At a recent Senate Banking hearing, Senator Warnock questioned witnesses about what the federal government can do to combat crypto financing of Hamas. Senator Warnock was part of a bipartisan Senate cohort that urged the Treasury Department and White House to investigate and halt the illicit usage of cryptocurrency by Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Hezbollah for money laundering and financing of their operations, including the recent terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas. Senator Warnock has supported a bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas, demanding that Hamas provide care for the hostages they have taken, and demanding Hamas release all hostages.

Along with Senator Warnock, the effort was joined by Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Jack Reed (D-RI), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Laphonza Butler (D-CA), Tom Carper (D-DE), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Angus King (I-ME), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), Ed Markey (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Tina Smith (D-MN), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senators Peter Welch (D-VT), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).

The full text of the letter is available here and below.

Dear President Biden:

We have joined you in condemning the brutal terror attacks that Hamas conducted against Israel and agree with you that Israel has the right to defend itself and hold Hamas accountable. We applaud your actions to secure the release of two American citizens held hostage and support your continued efforts to free the remaining hostages. In the days and weeks since these attacks, you have rightly demonstrated America’s commitment to support Israel in this dark hour.

The attacks of October 7th brought back chilling memories of the United States’ own confrontation with terror twenty-two years ago. In light of our own experience, we want to underscore how critical it is that Israel: (1) learn from the mistakes the United States made in our fight against terrorism by focusing on realistic and achievable military goals; and (2) abide by the laws of war, including the protection of civilians. Doing so also offers Israel the very best chance of success against Hamas in the days and weeks ahead. These steps are also necessary to create the conditions for a lasting peace, including two states for two peoples.

We believe the United States should immediately provide Israel with the funding it needs to replenish its defensive systems, including Iron Dome and other air defense capabilities. But to better understand the efficacy of U.S. funding that supports Israel’s operations inside Gaza, we respectfully ask your team to provide us with information relative to these two clear U.S. priorities: supporting an Israeli strategy that will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas and taking all possible measures to protect civilians in Gaza. 

First, it is in America’s interest to ensure that any military plans to fight Hamas do not produce the same strategic mistakes as many U.S. military operations over the past few decades. As we review the Administration’s supplemental request for military assistance to Israel, we respectfully ask that you share with us your assessment of the viability of Israel’s military strategy in Gaza, and whether it prioritizes the release of hostages. We would also like to better understand whether there is an achievable plan for governing Gaza when the Israeli military operation ends. We further seek to understand if Israel supports the conditions necessary to ultimately achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Second, we ask you to inform us about what specific mechanisms you are putting in place to ensure that Israeli military operations conducted inside Gaza are carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law and to ensure that any U.S.-provided equipment is used in a manner consistent with U.S. law. Relatedly, we would like to know your assessment of whether Israel’s military rules of engagement, particularly regarding mitigation of civilian casualties, align with U.S. policy and practice. In addition, to prevent another front from opening in the West Bank, we ask that you obtain public assurances from Prime Minister Netanyahu that his coalition government will immediately stop the escalating extremist settler violence directed against unprotected Palestinians there, as well as assurances from President Abbas that his government take steps to quell any violence against Israelis.

Finally, we request information on how our assistance will advance our efforts to engage with Israel, Egypt, and the broader international community to address the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. As we consider additional military assistance to Israel, we must not only do our part to provide urgently needed humanitarian relief to Gaza, but also insist that Israel take all necessary measures to help us facilitate such relief to the two million civilians living there, half of them children. That includes fully restoring water, electricity, and communication services, expediting fuel deliveries through already well-established systems for avoiding diversion to Hamas, and opening the Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Israel to increase urgently needed humanitarian relief to Gaza. Aid workers and civilian sites like schools, hospitals, and UN facilities must be protected.

We support additional assistance to Israel that: 1) aligns with an Israeli strategy that you believe will effectively degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas; 2) prioritizes the release of hostages; 3) advances a viable and achievable military plan that supports a long-term vision for peace, security and Palestinian self-determination in the form of a two-state solution; 4) abides by U.S. and international law, including the protection of civilians; and 5) advances efforts to provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. The information requested in this letter will help us assure that U.S support for Israel’s operations inside Gaza achieves these objectives. 

Mr. President, your leadership at this time of crisis has been vital.  We appreciate your attention to these urgent matters.

