Senator Reverend Warnock Cosponsors Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Hamas, Demanding Immediate Release of All Hostages

Senator Reverend Warnock cosponsored a bipartisan Senate resolution condemning Hamas, demanding that Hamas provide care for the hostages they have taken, and demanding Hamas release all hostages

Senator Reverend Warnock and lawmakers: “[We] condemn Hamas in the harshest terms for its premeditated, coordinated, and brutal terrorist attacks on Israel; decry Hamas’s abductions and threats made against hostages, including threats to use hostages as human shields” 

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) cosponsored a U.S. Senate resolution condemning Hamas for its attack on Israel, demanding that Hamas provide care for the hostages they have taken, and demanding that Hamas release all hostages. The resolution is led by Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and is also cosponsored by18 other senators.

The Resolution condemns Hamas for its terrorist attacks on Israel and demands that Hamas release all hostages. Specifically, the Resolution:

  • Provides information on the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israel, their subsequent firing of over 5,000 rockets into Israel, and the roughly 200 abducted hostages.
  • Condemns Hamas for its terrorist attacks and decries the abductions.
  • Demands Hamas provide access to and medical care for the hostages.
  • Demands Hamas release all hostages.
  • Calls upon the United States to lead a global campaign to demand the release of the hostages.
  • Expresses sympathy for victims of the attack, the hostages, and their families.

“[T]he Senate condemns Hamas in the harshest terms for its premeditated, coordinated, and brutal terrorist attacks on Israel; decries Hamas’s abductions and threats made against hostages, including threats to use hostages as human shields,” said Senator Warnock and the lawmakers.

Senator Warnock was an original cosponsor of a bipartisan resolution that expresses solidarity with Israel in the wake of the unprovoked Hamas terrorist attacks and issued a statement condemning the unprovoked attacks.

“[The Senate] demands that Hamas provide access and medical care to all hostages; demands that Hamas immediately release all hostages and return them to safety; calls on the United States to lead a global campaign to demand the release of the hostages held captive by Hamas; and expresses sympathy to the hostages and those wounded, and to their families, and mourns those killed by Hamas’s terrorist attacks,” concluded Senator Warnock and lawmakers.

At a recent Senate Banking hearing, Senator Warnock questioned witnesses about what the federal government can do to combat crypto financing of Hamas. Senator Warnock was part of a bipartisan Senate cohort that urged the Treasury Department and White House to investigate and halt the illicit usage of cryptocurrency by Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Hezbollah for money laundering and financing of their operations, including the recent terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas. In addition, Senator Warnock has urged the Biden Administration to lead the international community in contributing to the United Nations’ emergency appeal of $294 million to address the immediate humanitarian needs in the West Bank and Gaza. He joined Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) and other lawmakers in calling for the swift implementation of sustained access for humanitarian aid, including water and medical supplies, to save civilian lives in Gaza and also joined his Senate colleagues in echoing the Biden Administration’s call for a humanitarian pause so assistance for civilians can get into Gaza, and for the immediate, unconditional release of the remaining 200+ hostages held by Hamas.

Find the full text of the resolution here.

