Senator Reverend Warnock Commemorates 35th World AIDS Day 

December 1st is World AIDS Day and Georgia has some of the highest rates of new cases compared to other states across the country

In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called HIV in Atlanta an epidemic; Georgia ranks in the top five nationally for number of people living with HIV — over 60,000 in 2020

Senator Warnock on World AIDS Day: “Today is a reminder that awareness is key, compassion is essential, and our commitment to this cause must endure. Each new case is a call to action, urging us to continue the fight until the HIV/AIDS epidemic ends”

Above: Senator Reverend Warnock commemorates World AIDS Day in a video posted online

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) commemorated the 35th annual World AIDS Day in a video posted to social media. Senator Warnock reaffirmed his commitment to raising awareness and promoting continued medical advancements in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

“Today, on World AIDS Day, we come together to acknowledge the remarkable progress we’ve made in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Thanks to incredible medical advancements, the outlook for many has transformed from despair to hope,” said Senator Warnock in the video. “While we’ve seen significant strides however, the battle is far from over. HIV/AIDS remains an issue that demands our attention and collective efforts. Stigma and discrimination persist, and not everyone has equal access to life-saving treatments.”

World AIDS Day serves as a global reminder of the importance of solidarity, education, and ongoing efforts to eliminate the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS. Since its inception in 1988, World AIDS Day has provided an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV/AIDS, show support for those living with it, and commemorate those who have lost their lives to AIDS-related illnesses. In the U.S. Senate, Senator Warnock has pushed for continued investments in HIV/AIDS research and fought for federal funding to adequately address the needs of low-income residents living with HIV/AIDS, as nearly half of these individuals require some form of housing-related assistance. 

View the Senator’s World AIDS Day commemoration video HERE

