Senator Reverend Warnock Presses State Department for Details on Efforts to Bring Brittney Griner Home

Today, Senator Reverend Warnock sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken asking for additional information regarding the State Department’s engagement in bringing Brittney Griner home 

Senator Reverend Warnock posed specific questions to Secretary Blinken about the State Department’s plans to return Griner home to the United States 

Senator Reverend Warnock“I ask that you commit all possible resources and consider all reasonable options to secure Ms. Griner’s swift release, including negotiations with the Russian Federation”

WNBA star Brittney Griner has been wrongfully detained in Russia since February 17, days before Russia further invaded Ukraine

Senator Reverend Warnock“I recognize the complexity of the current situation, but Brittney cannot become a victim of geopolitical events and autocratic war” 

ESPN’s Josh Weinfuss: “Senator Warnock has written a letter to Secretary Blinken asking him to ‘commit all possible resources and consider all reasonable options to secure Ms. Griner’s swift release, including negotiations with the Russian Federation.'”

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) pressed the U.S. State Department for more information regarding its plan to secure the release of Brittney Griner, who has been wrongfully detained in a Russian prison since February 17. On July 7, the WNBA star pleaded guilty to charges brought by Russian authorities but denied she had any intent to break the law. Russian authorities could sentence Ms. Griner to up to 10 years in prison.

In his letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Senator Warnock pushed the Secretary to secure Ms. Griner’s swift release, including engaging in negotiations with the Russian Federation. The Senator also asked the State Department to quickly provide more details on all they are doing to free Brittney Griner, and posed specific questions to the Secretary about the Department’s efforts.

I ask that you commit all possible resources and consider all reasonable options to secure Ms. Griner’s swift release, including negotiations with the Russian Federation,” wrote Senator Reverend Warnock

“I recognize the complexity of the current situation, but Brittney cannot become a victim of geopolitical events and autocratic war. I urge you to pursue immediate negotiations to secure her immediate release,” continued Senator Warnock.

The full letter can be read here and below.

Dear Secretary Blinken,

As the Russian courts proceed with the criminal trial of Brittney Griner, I am writing to request additional information regarding the Department of State’s plan to secure her expeditious release.

Ms. Griner has been wrongfully detained in Russia since mid-February, the week before Russia expanded its war in Ukraine. Her criminal trial began on July 1, 2022, and her detainment is thus extended six months pending the outcome of the trial. She could face up to 10 years in Russian prison if convicted.

I am glad that on May 3, the State Department recognized Ms. Griner’s current situation as a wrongful detainment. I am also grateful for your statements indicating that securing the release of illegally detained Americans is your top priority, the presence of Embassy staff at Ms. Griner’s trial proceedings, and President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’s call with Brittney’s wife, Cherelle, on July 6.

I ask now that you commit all possible resources and consider all reasonable options to secure Ms. Griner’s swift release, including negotiations with the Russian Federation. I also ask that you provide answers to the following questions in a written or oral briefing to me and my staff:

  • What options are you considering in ongoing negotiations?
  • Are you able to ensure Brittney does not remain in custody during the trial?
  • Do you have an indication of what the Russian government would accept in return for her release?

I recognize the complexity of the current situation, but Brittney Griner cannot become a victim of geopolitical events and autocratic war. I urge you to pursue swift negotiations to secure her immediate release.


