Highlighting Federal Support for Working Families, Senator Warnock Joins Frontline Workers to Discuss On-Going COVID-19 Recovery and Impacts of American Jobs Plan in Georgia at UFCW Tele-Townhall

Senator Reverend Warnock joined workers from the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union for a Tele-Townhall to discuss the importance of protecting the dignity of work and workers in Georgia
Senator Reverend Warnock: “I’m not just interested in people surviving. I’m working as hard as I can to ensure that Georgians in every corner of the state can come out of this pandemic not simply surviving, but thriving.”
Senator Warnock joins as featured speaker with David Adams (top left), and Tiosha Adams (bottom left), of Georgia Local 1996 UFCW, and Ademola Oyefeso, International VP and Director of Legislative & Political Action of UFCW


Washington, D.C. — On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Reverend Warnock (D-GA) joined the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), including workers from the UFCW Local 1996 in Georgia, during a tele-townhall to discuss the far-reaching benefits of the American Rescue Plan for workers, the importance of protecting the dignity of work, and Senator Warnock’s continued efforts to push Congress to make the necessary investments that will lift hardworking people out of the on-going public health crisis and economic downturn. During the tele-townhall, which also streamed live on Facebook, Senator Reverend Warnock shined a spotlight on the specific, expansive relief for working families included in the American Rescue Plan, from investments that have strengthened vaccination rollout, to sending $1,400 direct relief payments to families, to expanding important tax credit programs that will cut child poverty nearly in half and put thousands of extra dollars in working families’ pockets—and more. Additionally, Senator Warnock mentioned his efforts to advance the American Jobs Plan that will build on the recovery and progress of the American Rescue Plan to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, create good-paying, clean energy jobs, and help individuals safely return to the workface and school.

“The American Rescue Plan was only our first step on the road to recovery.  And Congress has more work to do to put our country on the right track. As we move beyond this public health and economic emergency I’m not just interested in people surviving,” said Senator Warnock. “I’m working as hard as I can to ensure that Georgians in every corner of the state can come out of this pandemic not simply surviving but thriving.”

Following Senator Warnock’s brief remarks, he responded to questions about the American Rescue Plan’s benefits for Georgians and Americans from two members of UFCW Local 1996: David Tony Adams, a worker in a poultry plant processing facility in Athens; and Tiosha Adams, an administrative assistant at a Kroger grocery story in metro Atlanta. During their discussion about the American Rescue Plan, Senator Warnock also highlighted his efforts, at the federal level, to ensure workers can more easily organize and join a union to guarantee safer workplaces, better pay and benefits:

“Know that I’m very clear on this point: the only way to effectively protect workers, whether you’re talking about the ability to access a livable wage, a job with decent benefits that honors the health care of the people who are working, so that the workers can share the prosperity that they’re helping to create, to ensure that there is worker safety, workers have to be able to organize,” said Senator Warnock. “That’s an important part of the American story. The ability to organize, to leverage your collective strength in order to get the kinds of safety measures that are necessary. That’s why I’m a big supporter of the PRO Act. You will have in me in the Senate someone who will support workers, who will stand up for workers and their right to organize.”


